Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Grandparents Scam

The Grandparents Scam
                I read an article in the Caledonia Argus about this thing call the Grandparent Scam.  There was a woman in Caledonia who received a call from a guy who claimed to be her grandson.  He said that he was in an accident and needed money.  He also told her how to go to the bank and get money and then transfer it through Western Union.  The grandmother believed that this was her grandson because “grandparents can see and hear with their hearts. In an agitated state, grandpa or grandma, who might not hear as clearly as they once did, are liable to convince themselves that the voice they hear is one they know”(Moorhead, Hometown Argus, Para. 8).  They talked to a woman from the Canadian Anti-Fraud Call Center who explained how people can pull off this scam so easily.  She said all the scammer needs is a number off of the receipt from the money transfer and they can go to any Western Union in North America to get the money. 
                I think that this scam is one of the lowest things I have ever heard of.   I do not know how people can live with themselves when they scam elderly people for their hard earned money.  Especially when they could literally worry them to death by telling them some fake story about their grandchildren getting into an accident.  I also think that whoever is pulling these scams needs to go get a job like the rest of us in America.   

1 comment:

  1. Wow this makes me angry just reading this. I can't belive someone would pull something this low. I think the last people that should be messed with is the elderly. I agree whoever is doing this needs to grow up and get a job.
