Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bomb Threat Article

Bomb Threat
I read an article in the Caledonia Argus about a bomb threat that had occurred at the high school.  The police said that a note was found in one of the bathrooms that talked about a bomb being detonated at 3:07 in the afternoon.  The school was evacuated at 2:40 and all of the students were transported to the local elementary school to be put on their correct busses.  The police and fire department searched the building, but did not find anything suspicious.  They brought in a dog that was capable of finding explosives to search the building that evening.  The school canceled all of the athletic events and the parent-teacher conferences for the evening also.
                I think that having the Caledonia Police Department involved in anything that is as serious as this matter.  This is like letting a five year old child look for car bombs in Afghanistan.  I honestly do not believe that they are trained enough to deal with anything like this.  I also believe that the students that currently attend this high school are always just looking to get a day off by doing something such as this.  I really don’t think that any of them would go as far as putting a bomb in the school though.  I know because when I attended the same high school, we were always thinking of crazy ideas to get the rest of the day off.  They might as well just wait until the winter to get a day off because a bomb threat takes this a little too far.  It seems like these kids think that school shootings and bombings are a joke.  The administration needs to take some steps towards educating them on how bad these situations could really be.  If they would show the news reports and the stories about all of the previous school shootings and bombings to these kids, I believe that they would gain a new perspective on the subject.  I would hope that whoever did this realizes that none of this is funny and they need to either grow up, or get some help.


  1. I agree with everything ur saying Ryan! At my highschool the same exact stuff happened, except they didn't let the whole school go home but you could go home "if u felt unsafe" well of course everyone used that advantage. It was also a frequent joke kids liked to play to try to get out of school.It got so bad that now my old highschool has a weapan dog that stays on campus 24/7.
